Adjusting My Sails

sailboat-691452_1280Once in a small fishing village by the sea, three men decided to have a sailboat race.  They chose to sail across the bay to an island a few miles off shore.  On a sunny, breezy day they prepared their vessels, and in high spirits they were off.

At first the going was easy and all three were nearly neck to neck.  At this rate it could be a very close race!  However, before long the perfect weather began to turn sour.  Conditions at sea are almost always unpredictable.  This day was no exception.

The wind got stronger and the waves became rougher and higher.  The men were in trouble.  What would they do?

The older, seasoned sailor was the first to turn back.  He grumbled and swore as he maneuvered his sails and pointed his craft towards the docks.  There was no way he would even attempt to keep going.

The second sailor was young and brash, but also not willing to continue.  He lowered his sails to a safe position and decided to wait out the gale.  He was hopeful that soon the winds would cease.

The final sailor didn’t turn back, but he didn’t stop either.  Instead, he adjusted his sails and pressed on.  His sights remained fixed on the island, yet he was sailing seemingly away from it. This realistic sailor was simply adjusting his course to fit the direction of the wind, but his goal hadn’t changed.

Maybe you have heard the saying, “the pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, and the realist adjusts the sails.”  That quote was the inspiration for this little story.  Perhaps someone else has already written a better one, but this was my version.  It makes my point.

In my life I have typically been an optimist or a realist, depending on the situation.  I hate pessimistic and negative outlooks, for they go directly against what the Bible says about joy, endurance, and persistence.

Quite often being pessimistic is easier than the alternatives.  It is tempting in our trials to succumb to despair, and even to throw in the towel.  “I have had enough!”  How often have those words escaped your lips?  They have mine a time or two.

Even the most optimistic christian has probably felt like giving in at some point.  Going forward takes work.  It requires sweat and struggle, and often pain and frustration.  That sailor who adjusted his sails didn’t have it easy. The wind was relentless even as he sailed in the other direction.  The only thing keeping him going was his eyes never left the island.  That was his goal; his only focus.

When life gets tough, don’t take your eyes off Jesus.  “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:14)  Rather than giving up, or just “hanging out,” be a part of the change.  Make adjustments as God directs you, and keep going with an attitude of joy and persistence. Whatever you do, don’t quit!  The devil loves to see christians defeated, so let’s not give him the satisfaction.

” He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112:7